The submission Web page for ITESE-2024  

Уважаемые авторы! Статью необходимо загрузить повторно по ссылке:  ojs/index.php/bio/about/submissions

A maximum of two articles per author is accepted.
All papers should be not less than 6 pages (recommended 8-13 pages).

Conference participation fee (Publication of an article in the journal indexed by Web of Science (CPCI) and Scopus) — 200 euro

(this amount includes the cost of publication and the registration fee of a conference participant: Technical tours to agriculture facilities of Krasnodar Krai, Excursion to Gelendzhik Center of Climatic Testing named after G. V. Akimov, Excursion to the Southern Branch of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of RAS)

The manuscript should follow the IMRaD format

Section Purpose
Title What the paper is about
Authors Names and affiliations of authors
Keywords Words other than those in title that best describe the paper
Abstract A stand-alone, short narrative of the paper
Introduction Why this paper? The problem, what is not known, the objective of the study
Materials and methods How was the study done?
Results What did you find?
Discussion What does it mean? What next? Interpretation of results and future directions
Conclusion Possible implications
Acknowledgments Who helped and how; what was the funding source?
References Details of papers cited
Appendices Supplementary materials

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Publishing Policies & Ethics

Reviewers and authors are encouraged to refer to The Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) and to follow its Core Practices and guidelines.

Web of Conferences Publishing Ethics Guidelines (PDF)

Serious misconduct (for example, data fabrication, falsification or plagiarism) is taken seriously into consideration and is further investigated. When a suspicion of misconduct turns out to be confirmed, the available sanction is applied.

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Review process

Please outline briefly the review process that the scientific committee/conference reviewers will conduct on conference submissions (i.e. grading system) 
Review process is based on the following grading system:
At the first stage (initial evaluation), all papers are checked for the correct use of English, compliance with the conference theme and for plagiarism.
At the second stage, the scientific committee perform a double-blind peer review process. At least 3 reviewers are assigned to each paper.
As the grading system «Transportation Research Procedia Review Form» is used.
Papers are evaluated according to the following criteria: 

  1. Structure

1.1        – Abstract clearly shows the potentials of the paper
1.2        – Clarity of the structure the paper
1.3        – Clarity of the objective
1.4        – Clarity of conclusions
1.5        – Agreement between conclusion and objective

 2. Content

2.1        – State-of-the-art
2.2        – Originality of the study
2.3        – Methodology appropriateness
2.4        – Correctness of the material
2.5        – Clearness of the material
2.6        – Quality of data
2.7        – Scientific relevance and long-term value
2.8        – Practical implications

 3. Technical aspects

3.1        – Quality of the English
3.2        – Relevance and clarity of figures/tables

Only scientific papers of the original research type are accepted for publication. Papers prepared in conformity with IMRaD organizational structure are expected.

After double-blind review process the authors receive at least three independent reviews. After getting reviews, the authors have time to make amendments into their papers according to the reviewers’ feedback.

At the third stage the examination of received papers in accordance with the journal template is accomplished by qualified technical proofreaders.

The obligate condition for publication of a paper is live participation in the conference of at least one member of an authoring team.